Welcome to our FREE 5-minute consultation! We continue offering this initial consultation at no cost to put you at ease in your first contact with us. We also have found that actually putting your situation down in words and numbers is the best way for you to make that first step in the bankruptcy process and getting the help you deserve
While we offer this first introduction, we do request that you complete our short 5 minute consultation before we meet with you. Here is why…
We need to know which direction to take before you come in. Filing bankruptcy is never a one-size fits all situation. Everyone’s circumstances vary greatly when it comes to their financial situation. This is why we ask you to spend 5 minutes now answering a few questions and get advice specifically tailored to your situation.
By using our online form, we know what to expect before you even walk through the door. Sure, we will have questions — as will you, but it is better for both of us to know as much as possible before meeting so we can tailor the best advice possible.
Your answers here do not have to be exact, but they should be as close as possible. Once you have met with us and we have both agreed to proceed, you’ll receive our “Bankruptcy Case Management Program” which will allow us to get the detailed information we need to complete a petition.
Remember, your privacy is important to us. Your information will never be shared with any other party. Take your time with the following form! We look forward to meeting with you!