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If I Have A Personal Injury claim Should I File Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy?

There is a bit of strategy involved in whether you should file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 in a case like this, so it is important that you...

Are New Jersey EZ-Pass Debts Dischargeable?

The quick answer is YES, New Jersey EZ-PASS debts and the associated “Penalties” are dischargeable.  Many attorneys may respond that these debts are not dischargeable as fines to government entities...

Will My Personal Injury Claim Affect My Bankruptcy?

The answer -- just like many other answers in the law is -- it depends. A personal injury settlement can be protected up to a certain amount of money with...

How Will Bankruptcy Affect My Car Ownership?

A frequently asked question from potential bankruptcy filers is “can I keep my car?”  Now… assuming that the car in question is not a Porsche 911 that is fully paid...

Bankruptcy and Your Property

Your home, your car and all other property you may own at the time of your bankruptcy -- such as your retirement account -- will certainly be at the top...

Consider the Timing of Your Bankruptcy Filing  

Many times we have to tell new clients that they should wait days, months or sometimes even years to file their bankruptcy case for the best possible outcome. Why? Because...

Domestic Support Obligations Cannot be Wiped Out with Bankruptcy

In my previous blog, I listed “domestic support obligation” as one of the debts which cannot be wiped out in bankruptcy. Since a domestic support obligation (such as child support...

What Debt does NOT Go Away in Bankruptcy

Yes, after you complete your bankruptcy case there will be the “discharge” of most of your debts. This means that you no longer have a legal obligation to pay them....

How to get a Fresh Start with Bankruptcy

What Fresh Start means is that by filing bankruptcy, (liquidating assets to pay your debts or by creating a repayment plan) you can get rid of unwanted debt and start...

New Year, New You – Financial Savings Tools

Savings!  You know you should have it, but saving money when you are already on a tight budget is difficult at best.   The standard for an emergency fund is...